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About Cedars Wellness: Mission

Joyce Ioannou, CAHP, 


“Put your health in your own hands, each drop , each reflex is your therapy!”

Joyce Ioannou, CAHP, As a small child growing up in a Middle Eastern home, I was around many natural and homemade wellness recipes.

Through my own personal health challenges from a small child with digestive concerns to an adult battling breast cancer while pregnant. The journey to finding out who I am and appreciation for natural healing started then.

Graduating from college with a background in Marketing & PR, I have always had a strong business sense at a young age. I knew that I would one day be bringing forward something amazing for others to benefit from. So, I left my corporate career and decided to master my credentials and started with a course in Clinical Aromatherapy at the Joy-Essence Aromatherapy Centre in 2020. I also became a recognized member of the Canadian Federation of Aromatherapists with the designation of CAHP (Certified Aromatherapy Health Professional). Furthering my love for the natural healing, I founded Cedars Wellness Clinic where I currently practice. “Put your health in your own hands, each drop is your therapy!”

My love for Reflexology, now that is a story that originated post chemo and radiation. Part of my own health journey means experiencing it firsthand. Pinpointing the organs and systems of the body again fascinated me and therefore lead to wanting to accomplish becoming a Certified Reflexology.  I went to Footsteps School of Reflexology in Toronto where I graduated the program and am a good standing member of the Reflexology Association of Canada. It didn’t take long for me to grow some more, as in the last year, I have been given more opportunities to within RAC; one as the Ontario Northwest Chapter Representative and the other a Community Ambassador. I hope to continue to educate and share the knowledge in what I do especially in matters related to health.

When I am not working, I enjoy kayaking, dancing and listening to music! I live on the water and enjoy reading on the dock and playing with my active dog Harley! I left the busy city behind and made my life here to make memories with my children, family and friends.

My Mission

Understanding, Educating and Changing Lives 

One Drop, One Inhale, Forever Free

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