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Aromatherapy dates back to over 5000 years ago where its ancient history is why we still have it in mofern times. It is both science and art; the chemistry of each plant and how it is extracted to assist in a specific ailment, the stressors of our daily lives and of course to help promote overall health and wellness.


Being a Certified Clinical Aromatherapist with the Canadian Federation of Aromatherapists (CFA). Getting this certification by the CFA ensures that an aromatherapist has been trained by an approved school. These schools adhere  to professional standards for the safety of the public. Using a fully integrated health modality means one must have continuing education credits by learning new ways to help our clients every year.

Aromatherapy Oil

What Aromatherapy Can Help You With?

Detoxification: Many of the things we eat, drink and absorb contain toxic chemical and may also have metals that our bodies cant process. These toxic substances will cause many medical, physical, emotional and mental issues and conditions.  Some may even lead to dis-eases and dis-orders. Aromatherapy is an alternative support that scientifically shows that people become healthier when they remove toxins from their body.

Pain Management: When people have pain they are not able to function well. It has been scientifically proven that the intensity of pain decreases with use of certain essential oils. By doing a consult, we can determine if there are some underlying medical, physical, emotional, mental issues, conditions, dis-eases lead to the pain. 

Stress Management: Stress can by the cause of every major medical, physical, emotional, mental issues, conditions, dis-eases lead to the pain. There are many aromatic benefits for stress management found in Clinical Aromatherapy. Booking a Consult to have a ZYTO Wellness Health Scan is a great start. 

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